Any one who follows us here at K Kaiser Photography more than likely already knows who Vasilia is! Here are just a few of our shoots that she is featured in:
Cozy Winter Photoshoot
and here she is in one of my all-time favorites, our urban shoot.
She is a very talented and b-e-a-u-tiful model who we LOVE to work with!
But…have you met her two best friends?!?
Their names are Anna and Anna (that should make it easy to remember!) and they are THE BEST! You know when you’re watching a movie with these best friends in it who seem like they’re sisters rather than friends? The ones you look at and immediately wish you could be friends with? They are always together, everyone knows them as a group and they are always having a good time?? Yeah, that’s these three for you! They have been best friends practically since they were born. They are so much fun to be around, and I never get tired of hearing them tell stories about the times they’ve spent with each other! And don’t even get me started on how they look like they stepped right off the set of Pretty Little Liars! (#teamspencer over herreeee!)
Well Vasilia turns 21 this month (WOHOO!! 😀) and as one of their gifts to her, Anna and Anna scheduled a surprise best friends photoshoot with me!! You all cannot understand the level of pumped I was for this one! First of all, what a sweet gift!! To take the time to celebrate their friendship in a way that they can always look back on and cherish, and even pass on throughout the generations is one of the most thoughtful presents anyone could give! On top of that, knowing how much fun these girls are to spend time with, I just knew that this photoshoot was gonna be amazing! And trust me, they did not disappoint!
Anna, Anna, and Vasilia,
You three have such an amazing friendship and I always feel thankful whenever I get to tag along and spend time with you girls! You all are the perfect mix of wild and sweet! Plus you ladies keep me up to date with what the hip young folks are saying (you keep me “woke”, did I do it right?? LOL) and never fail to have me cracking up at your crazy adventures together. It is so refreshing to see your friendship continue to grow even stronger as you all enter such a important time of your lives. I am so happy I was the lucky photographer who got to capture these fun memories for you! Love you all! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY VASILIA!!! <3